
My pudding! My precious, limited edition, XTRA STRBRY pudding is gone!

I was gonna eat it at the Christmas party. Mimi said that I couldn't even tell the difference from a normal strawberry pudding, but what does she know about puddings!

It was in the fridge, and now... It's not.

Still, I don't believe that anyone from the dorms would actually steal something. This whole situation is weird.

Well, at the very least, it seems like I'll get to play a detective tonight. Time to ask everyone a few questions and get to the bottom of this.

Let's see... We came back with Nene a little after three. Most of the other girls were sitting around in the dining room, chatting.

I excitedly told them about my pudding... Probably shouldn't have done that.

I put the pudding into the fridge, and then me and Nene went back to our room and played games since then. It's now 17:05, so I'm gonna have to figure out what happened in the last two hours.