Uma Musume on GameTora

Royce and Royce (SR) Support Card

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Character name
Release date
Release date: 2023-12-20
Support effects
Use the +/- buttons to view effect strengths at the desired level
Level 25
Unique Effect
Increases stats gained from friendship (rainbow) training (10%)
Increases probability of getting assigned to specialty training category (20)
Friendship Bonus25%
Increases stats gained from friendship (rainbow) training
Race Bonus5%
Increases stat and skill point gains after finishing a race
Fan Count Bonus15%
Increases fan count increase after finishing a race
Specialty Rate Up20
Increases probability of getting assigned to specialty training category
Hint Lv. BonusLv 1
Increases hint level from events of this card
Hint Rate Up20%
Increases probability of getting hints
Starting Bond UpUnlocked at level 30
Initial bond gauge at the start of training is increased
Power BonusUnlocked at level 45
Increases the amount of power gain when training together
Support hints
One will be randomly granted when getting a hintduring training
During the Opening or Middle Leg, if you're being blocked from the front, your lane movement speed will slightly increase and your stamina will slightly recover
Keep the Pace
Slightly recover stamina when passed in the Middle Leg
Crowded Calm
Slightly recover stamina when boxed in during the Middle Leg
Medium・Slightly easier to take a good position during the Middle Leg if you're leading
If another girl has been right in front of you for at least three seconds, your speed will slightly increase
Slight Detour
When blocked during Last Spurt, become slightly better at navigating through it
Your Start Reaction Time is slightly improved
Stat gain
Stamina +2
Power +6
Skills from events
Fighting Spirit
Medium・If you're in the middle of the pack during the Middle Leg and someone is blocking you from the side, your speed will slightly increase and your stamina will marginally recover
Become a little better at positioning during the Final Leg of the race
Training Events
Chain Events
Random Events