Uma Musume on GameTora

Smart Falcon (R) Support Card

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Character name
Release date
Release date: 2021-02-24
Support effects
Use the +/- buttons to view effect strengths at the desired level
Level 20
Friendship Bonus10%
Increases stats gained from friendship (rainbow) training
Motivation Bonus25%
Increases motivation stat bonus when training together
Starting Bond Up15
Initial bond gauge at the start of training is increased
Hint Lv. BonusLv 1
Increases hint level from events of this card
Hint Rate Up20%
Increases probability of getting hints
Specialty Rate Up20
Increases probability of getting assigned to specialty training category
Stamina BonusUnlocked at level 40
Increases the amount of stamina gain when training together
Support hints
One will be randomly granted when getting a hintduring training
Outer Gate Affinity ○
Your Speed stat is increased by 40 when starting at gate block 6-8
Ooi Racetrack ○
At Ooi, your Stamina stat is increased by 40
Bad Track Condition ○
Your Power stat is increased by 40 in races with Slightly Heavy, Heavy, or Bad track condition
Cloudy Days ○
Your Guts stat is increased by 40 on Cloudy Days
Runner's Tricks ○
Runner・Your FoV is slightly increased, and your Wisdom stat is increased by 40
Corner Recovery ○
At a random point on any corner, your stamina will slightly recover
Next Steps
Runner・At a random point during the Final Leg, use a little extra stamina to increase your acceleration slightly
Runner・When failing to take the lead during the Opening Leg, girls in front of you will have their acceleration lowered
Stat gain
Stamina +2
Power +6
Skills from events
Press Forward, Ready!
Runner・At a random point during the Final Corner, if you're in the lead, your acceleration will slightly increase
Training Events
Random Events

Website last updated on 2025-03-13 (4 days ago)

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