Uma Musume on GameTora

Inari One (R) Support Card

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Character name
Release date
Release date: 2021-12-14
Support effects
Use the +/- buttons to view effect strengths at the desired level
Level 20
Friendship Bonus15%
Increases stats gained from friendship (rainbow) training
Initial Power Up20
Initial power at the start of training is increased
Increased Training5%
Increases stat gains when training together
Starting Bond Up15
Initial bond gauge at the start of training is increased
Hint Lv. BonusLv 1
Increases hint level from events of this card
Hint Rate Up20%
Increases probability of getting hints
Power BonusUnlocked at level 40
Increases the amount of power gain when training together
Support hints
One will be randomly granted when getting a hintduring training
Spring Girl ○
Your Speed stat is increased by 40 in Spring
Winter Girl ○
Your Speed stat is increased by 40 in Winter
Eyes On You ○
Your Guts stat is increased by 40 when sharing a strategy with the crowd favorite
Sandstorm Practice
Dirt・If you're behind in the Middle Leg, your stamina will slightly recover
Up The Pace
Slightly increases speed when overtaking during the Middle Leg
Hold Your Tail High
If you activate at least 3 skills during the Middle Leg, your speed will slightly increase
Front Row Aim
Dirt・During the Final Leg, your overtaking abilities will slighty increase
Sharp Gaze
Betweener・Slightly flusters other girls in Final Leg
Stat gain
Stamina +2
Power +6
Skills from events
Kyoto Racetrack ○
In Kyoto, your Stamina stat is increased by 40
Training Events
Random Events