Uma Musume on GameTora

Twin Turbo (SSR) Support Card

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Release date
Release date: 2022-08-29
Support effects
Use the +/- buttons to view effect strengths at the desired level
Level 30
Unique Effect
Gain Friendship Bonus (3) every time you do friendship training with this card, up to 5 times for a total of (15)
Friendship Bonus20%
Increases stats gained from friendship (rainbow) training
Hint Lv. BonusLv 2
Increases hint level from events of this card
Hint Rate Up40%
Increases probability of getting hints
Specialty Rate Up50
Increases probability of getting assigned to specialty training category
Power Bonus1
Increases the amount of power gain when training together
Starting Bond Up15
Initial bond gauge at the start of training is increased
Skill Point BonusUnlocked at level 35
Increases skill point gain when training together
Speed BonusUnlocked at level 45
Increases the amount of speed gain when training together
Support hints
One will be randomly granted when getting a hintduring training
Competitive Spirit ○
Your Power stat is increased by 40 when a lot of other girls share your strategy
Eyes On You ○
Your Guts stat is increased by 40 when sharing a strategy with the crowd favorite
Leave It to Vigor!
Runner・During any uphill beyond the first 10 seconds of the race, your stamina will slightly recover
Fast Paced
Runner・If you're in the first half of the pack at a random point during the Middle Leg, your speed will slightly increase
Lead Pride
Runner・If you're being overtaken or blocked from the side in the Opening or Middle Leg, your speed will slightly increase
Frantic State
Runner・During the first half of the Middle Leg, use some stamina to increase your speed
Runner・At the start of the race, your acceleration will slightly increase
Stat gain
Speed +1
Power +1
Guts +6
Skills from events
Playtime's Over!
Slightly increase speed when a girl has been following you for a while
1000% Output!
Runner・During the first half of the Middle Leg, use some stamina to greatly increase your speed
Runner・At the start of the race, your acceleration will slightly increase
Training Events
Chain Events
Random Events
Newest Characters
Gran Alegria
Newest Supports
Rice Shower
Mejiro Bright
Latest Scenario
Random Affiliate Merch
2nd EVENT 「Sound Fanfare!」[Blu-ray]